The Happy Hormones Coach®️

Heart health and my personal journey

Jenifer Gamayo Self Season 3 Episode 4

Embark on a heartfelt journey with Jenifer, your guide through the delicate intricacies of heart health, stress management, and the profound impact of life's experiences on our wellness. In this intimate episode of The Happy Hormones Coach™️ Podcast, we sit down for a cozy, heart-to-heart conversation, delving into the lessons learned from personal health challenges and the awakening to the importance of listening to our bodies.

From the unexpected twists of a global pandemic to the silent yet significant changes in heart rhythms, Jenifer shares her story of resilience and discovery. She reveals how a holistic approach to health, guided by the wisdom of a nutritionist coach, led to transformative lifestyle changes that nurtured her heart and overall well-being. Together, we explore the power of movement, the nourishment of whole foods, and the tranquility of stress management techniques as pillars of a healthy heart.

Jenifer's narrative is not just about personal growth; it's an invitation to you, our listeners, to consider your own heart health and the holistic paths that lie before you. Whether it's reevaluating supplements, embracing natural alternatives like natokinese, or finding joy in movement, this episode is a testament to the individual journey of health that we all navigate.

So grab your favorite drink, get comfortable, and tune in as we uncover the beauty and complexity of keeping our hearts happy and healthy. And remember, it's never too late to start making heart health a priority. Every step, no matter how small, is a step in the right direction. Share this episode with someone you care about and join us in spreading the message of heart health, empowerment, and holistic well-being.

For more insights and to continue this conversation, connect with Jenifer on social media or visit her website. If today's heartfelt episode resonated with you, leave a review and share the love. Until next time, keep your heart beating with joy and your hormones in happy harmony.

If you have chronic gut issues, IBS or Endometriosis I highly suggest my nutritionist and coach Kira she has so much awesome information here is her website

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I would love for you to share your story or expertise here, reach out and fill out an application (very brief one) and let's chat.

Hey Hormone Hotties:
If you want to learn more about how you can work with me or what services I offer including those below-

  • Interested in being a guest expert (even if you are not in business but a woman who has a story to share) fill out the application and book an appointment.
  • Affiliated Partner for awesome products in wellness and more including the "Body balancing" slenderize for a discount using my code HAPPY24
  • Join me in Happy Hormones Circle. This and my email list is where I will be focusing my time and content
  • Disclaimer: The content shared in ‘The Happy Hormones Coach’ podcast (including affiliate and non affiliate products) is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with a qualified healthcare provider before making any changes to your diet, exercise, or health routine. The opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the host and guests and do not necessarily reflect the views of any healthcare organizations. The statements made regarding any of the products that I mention have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Individual results may vary.

Heart Health and my personal journey
Welcome to Happy Hormones coach, the podcast about female
Speaker A: Hey, welcome to the Happy Hormones coach, the podcast. I'm, your host,
Jennifer Gomile self, where I dive into everything related to women's health and
lifestyle, and you know me holistically. So join me, your host, as we explore the
intricacies of female hormones, discuss tips and strategies for managing stress and
anxiety, and discover ways to live a healthier and happier, more fulfilling life. From
nutrition to fitness, mindfulness to relationships, I cover it all. So please grab a cup of
tea, settle in, and let's dive into the world of women's health together.
Happy Hormones coach podcast features awesome hormone hotties
This is the happy hormones coach.
Speaker B: Hey, hormone hotties, and welcome back to the Happy Hormones coach
podcast. By the way, you haven't heard that term for a while, but I am going to be
bringing that back for all of my awesome hormone hotties. And, you know, I actually got
that from my previous business coach, and it just stuck. So, anyways, I'm thrilled to be
here with you today, going on a journey that's not just close to my heart, but is woven
into the very fabric of my whole being. especially bringing aware to being mindful of it.
For about a year now, I want to say. And so today's episode is a special one, where I
peel back the layers of heart health, stress management, and the profound ways that
our experiences shape our approach to wellness. And it really does. And so, with that, I
want you to imagine us just sitting together in the coziest of a warm, inviting living room
or sunroom and our hands wrapped around our mugs of favorite tea. I'll have tea or
coffee. So let's chat on a heart to heart conversation in this episode.
The year 2020 marked a period of a lot of challenges for all of us
And I want to start out by saying the year 2020 marked a period of a lot of challenges
for all of us. And navigating through the turbulent waters of, not just a global pandemic,
but also of health. And so, for me, it brought to light an aspect of health that I had taken
for granted, which was my heart. And so, like a silent companion, it had always been
there. But the aftermath of contracting the virus revealed changes that I just couldn't
ignore since then and that I've been pretty much dealing with. And not just me, but a lot
of others that I have talked to as well. And so my heart, the rhythmic drummer of my
whole entire being, began to beat to a different tune, unveiling the fragility and
resilience of not only mine, but all of our health. So this journey I'm about to share isn't
just a narrative of personal discovery. It's a beacon of hope and empowerment for
anyone who's ever felt their heart be quicken in the face of life's uncertainties. And, boy,
since then have we had a lot of uncertainties. It's about finding strength in the
vulnerability, learning from our bodies and making conscious choices to nurture our well
being. So, as we settle into this shared space, let's open our hearts and minds to the
possibilities that lie ahead. And so, go ahead, grab your favorite drink, make yourself
comfortable, and let's navigate the intricate pathways of our heart health together. Now,
while I am no expert on heart health at all, or the brain, really, all of it, but since my
experience, as of last year, I've really been getting curious and proactive about my own
health and wanting to learn more. I've been diving in headfirst, just learning more. And
again, this is not my specialty, but just a little bit sharing about my experience and,
hopefully it'll bring some, awareness to you and might, help you in your life or a friend or
a family member. So I really hope this conversation will inspire, educate and resonate
with you as we uncover the beauty and complexity of keeping our hearts happy and, of
course, overall healthy.
The year 2020 unfolded like a series of unexpected chapters in a book
And so, again, the year 2020 unfolded like a series of unexpected chapters in a book
we all thought we knew by heart, no pun intended. But amidst the global upheaval
brought about the pandemic, each of us faced our unique set of challenges, navigating
through a sea of uncertainty and change. And that we did, but we also showed that we
were resilient, pushed through it, and we made it out alive. Right, for many of us. And
so anyways, for me, this period of global distress became a pivotal moment of personal
revelation in so many things. not just the unseen, unheard and deeply felt aspects of
heart health for me personally, but also with, my fertility and even before that, struggling
with it. But really, that was the pivotal moment where I thought, I really just want to work
with women in fertility because that's what I was going through at the time, and holistic
health and do it that way. And so while I still do that today, I'm still a success coach with
the hormone puzzle society as well. And of course, I'm a holistic health practitioner with
the happy hormones coach.
Heart disease disrupted delicate balance of my health and I'm sure
I really wanted to talk about heart health. And so, in the early days of the pandemic, like
many around the world, I found myself grappling with the virus. And it was a battle that,
though brief, left marks, not just on my body but also on my spirit. And I'm sure many of
us felt that way with, maybe feeling isolated, things like that. And it became an intruder,
and it disrupted the delicate balance of my health and I'm sure a lot of others health as
well. And just really even with my heart. And so the aftermath was a palpable change. A
heart that once beat, it's just now, it was different. I had irregular heartbeats. There was
different things going on. And I think even with my blood, just a lot of other things going
on. And so this was not just a, physical ailment, it was definitely emotional one, too,
because, like I said, I started getting lightheaded easy. I started feeling winded easy.
And, just. Things were just different. I just felt different. And so the realization that my
heart, which is the very engine of all of our existence, could be so affected was both
alarming and awakening. And it really was awakening, but especially last year. So I
apologize for my dogs. But anyways, the symptoms were, subtle yet persistent, serving
as a constant reminder of what may be different or going on. So it did feel different. It
beats sometimes too fast, sometimes too slow. I just wasn't sure what the heck was
going on. And so, the journey from. Well, there's still no diagnosis, so I still have to deal
with different tests and different things like that. although it does run in my family, but I
don't even really know what's going on right now. It's still, ongoing, actually. But the
journey from then until now, it's more of a physical healing process. And it's also
mental, too, because any little thing could be. I just don't know what it could be. And so
it's pretty scary, unknown things like that. Well, that's why I'm talking about it, because
I'm sure I'm not the only one going through this. And, it just showed the depths of my
own resilience. And it was during this time of introspection and just being quiet that I
came face to face with just how fragile life was and the immeasurable strength of the
human spirit and that we all have. And the experience was definitely an alarm. it was a
wake up call from my body urging me to pay attention, to my body and to my health.
And the tias, or the docs say mini strokes, I had last year was my body's way of telling
me to slow down. It forced me to take a break and step back, but also check in on
where my priorities lay. For sure. That was very scary. And I'll tell you, I could still
remember, it was eight in April and I woke up just like normal. It was like, 08:00 on a
Saturday. And I seemed fine. I didn't feel like I was under any abnormal stress or
anything. Went, to the bathroom soon as I got up, or just opened up the door. My whole
left side was numb. My face. I literally could not speak. I couldn't feel my left side at all,
my arm or anything. And I went to my husband and I was like, trying to get the words
out to say, call 911, and he couldn't even understand what I was saying. He was still
sleeping, so I was trying to wake him up, but again, I couldn't speak and I was trying to
get the words out. I was mentally there, but I just physically, I wasn't able to do anything.
I couldn't lift my arm. I couldn't feel anything on my left side, and even when the
ambulance came and they checked everything, they took me into the ER, because I still
obviously had that. Luckily, I did, after several hours, regain, movement and filling in my
left side. And I was able to talk like I am now. But, yeah, it was a reality check for sure.
And reflecting on this period, I realized that my struggle was not mine alone. many of
you might have faced your own battles and your moments of doubt and despair, for
sure. And it's in sharing these stories that we find common ground, a shared
understanding that health is not just the absence of illness, but it really is a symphony
that our bodies play. Mind, body and spirit, it's all connected, even at a cellular level.
And so my journey through this, not just the pandemic and not just the virus, but
whatever may have been preexistent within me, maybe that just brought it out. I don't
really know. I'm still getting answers. but it made an impact on my heart. And that was
just the beginning of my transformation and it still is. It's still ongoing. I don't have all the
answers. I don't really know what it is. There's still a lot of unknowns, but I'm working
through it and hope being to get more tests done. But it did teach me an important,
lesson on listening, really listening, to my body, understanding what it needs, taking the
proactive steps towards nurturing my well being and my healing. And this is what I do. I
tell my clients all the time, and I talk about listening to our body being in tune looking at
the red flags, but really with my own self. I guess I should have taken my advice more
because I wasn't really paying attention. Maybe I was doing too much. I'm one that,
although I have a history of anxiety, going back to even my early childhood, but I've
dealt with it. I, didn't feel like I was doing too much, but I guess my body has been
telling me to slow down and there might have been too much on my plate, I don't know.
But since then, I really have been growing into that, nurturing my body and just really
listening to it. And it was also a lesson in resilience and in the power of human
endurance and just our endless capability for renewal. I mean, really is we're all growing
and learning. And as we move forward in today's episode, I do carry with me the
lessons learned from those challenging times, and still challenging times until I really
get answers, eager to share more, learn, and grow together on this journey towards
heart health and holistic wellness. So the wake up call I received about my heart health
wasn't just a moment of realization, but was like a catalyst for the profound change that
I was going to experience and I'm still experiencing, and it did propel me on a journey
that I just wasn't.
The first step in my journey was seeking guidance of a nutritionist
It's the unknown for me. This is not what my expertise is. I don't know about heart
health. I'm not. But as I'm learning more, I want to share with you, because it is so
important, especially for women, going through the perimenopausal phase or as we
age, it is a silent killer, and it is one that, affects more women than men. So it's really
important for us to pay attention, and especially if it runs in your family like it did mine.
So, really, the part of it, my, journey is just really about embracing the holistic
approaches, making lifestyle changes, that honor the connection of all of it, the heart,
mind, body, spirit, soul, all of it. And the first step in my journey was seeking the
guidance of a nutritionist coach. Now, this partnership m was definitely more than just
about diet. It was about crafting a lifestyle that supported every beat of it, every beat of
my heart, every beat of everything that I was doing. And my coach was amazing. She
still is. she's really a beacon of knowledge. She's so awesome. she guided me towards
a more holistic approach to. She doesn't work directly with heart health. I do have to say
that she works with now, gut health, IBs and endometriosis. But I'm telling you, that is
not what I came to her for. I was working with her before and I told her, hey, I really want
a holistic approach. Can you work with me? I know this is not what you do, but can you
work with me? She was so awesome that she said yes. And it really has transformed
everything. because we worked on, mineral balancing, we worked on so much. So I
have to give her a shout out because she's helped me in a lot of ways, like dealing with
my gut health and stress and so on. I mean, so much. I will leave her details in the show
notes. And don't forget to mention this episode, if you subscribe to her email list or if
you want to do a consult, call. But she's amazing, and just really want to thank her for
her support holistically in my life and how it shifted for the better. And so far, I have not.
Have not had any episodes since. So that's amazing. So I want to give a shout out.
Thanks, kira. At a nourished life. And one significant change that we made was
reevaluating my supplements because I was on more than I should have been. And as
a coach myself, I should have known better. I talk about this all the time. Yes, that was
me. And with her help, I noticed a significant change when I cut back on so many things
that I was taking that I did not need. And I know traditional advice had recommended
baby aspirin for its blood thinning properties, but we decided to do a path less
conventional. And it's natokinese. it's a natural enzyme derived from NATO. And I hope
I'm saying it right. That's just how I pronounce it. It's a japanese fermented soybean
dish. and it became my new best friend. Basically, it took, in place of the baby aspirin.
That's what I essentially used it for, and its properties to support cardiovascular health
without the side effects of traditional medicine. it really helped to give me that solution. It
really did help me feel better. that is one that I will keep using in place of baby aspirin.
I'd rather use that. And our bodies do speak to us a language, that is unique to all of us.
And that fact became really clear as all this was happening to me. And so I did tailor my
diet and movement to my body's changing needs, and it became a cornerstone of my
wellness. So we focused on nurturing my heart with foods rich in omega three s,
antioxidants, fibers, and just, really working with my body where it was at minerals, and
did a stool test, things like that. And it really has helped me a lot. And especially the
stress part. She goes into stress, and it really did help me so much. And the
personalized approach wasn't just about lowering my cholesterol or managing stress,
although it was a big part of it, it was a testament to the power of listening, really
listening to what my body needed at the time. And stretches, and movement, mindful
walking became. It wasn't just exercise, because it was more like a lifeline. I needed it,
so I needed to walk my dogs more, I needed to do some exercise. I needed to get
around and move more. That's just what I needed to do. And so the journey towards
heart health is a deeply personal, yet it's so relevant. And the changes I made, guided
by my holistic principles and my coach, had a ripple effect. So, m my cholesterol levels
improved. My, gosh, my gut health has improved so much, and my stress was
overtaken. There's just so much that has helped for the better. and I'm still listening to
my body giving it what it needs and respecting its limits, for sure, because I wasn't
before. And it's just a powerful reminder that wellness is not a one size fits all
prescription or approach, but it is very personal. It's a personal journey of discovery,
connection, and respect. And in sharing this part of my story, I hope to inspire you to
consider the holistic paths available to you. And whether it's exploring natural
supplements like natokinese, tailoring your diet to your unique needs, or finding joy and
movement that speaks to you, have fun while doing it, too. The journey towards heart
health and wellness overall is just choices that reflect our individuality, our challenges,
and our aspirations. And as we continue to explore the vast landscape of heart health
together, remember that each step you take is a step towards a happier, healthier heart.
And the journey may be long as I am still going through it myself, but it is definitely rich
with learning, growing, and just endless possibilities. And I'm just excited to explore
more of this because it has forced me to. And so it's forced me to go into a realm that I
just wasn't familiar, I'm not familiar with, and I'm definitely no expert, but I'm getting
better at learning more and more and more. And so I just want to remind you that
maintaining a healthy heart is an act of love. Not just for ourselves, but those that care
about us. And it's paved with simple, everyday choices that accumulate into a lifetime of
well being. And so here are some practical, tips that have not only aided my journey, but
are acknowledged pillars of health. And the human body thrives on movement, so we
need movement. We definitely need it. So aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate
exercise most days of the week if you can, but listen to the energy of your body. You
definitely don't want to go against it because that can cause more stress, and we don't
want to do that. So whether it's a brisk walk, dancing, whatever, the goal is, consistency
and enjoyment.
Taking care of our heart is more than just a series of actions
Make it fun, be consistent. don't make it a chore, but make it something you actually
look forward to. And definitely our nutrition and diet. So focus on whole foods that offer
fruits, vegetable, whole grains, lean protein. each meal is an opportunity to nourish not
only our body, but also our health and our mind. Enjoy it. Who are you when you eat?
let's not be rushed, but actually taste each bite. Slow down. and again, focus on omega
three fatty acids like salmon, walnuts, fiber rich foods, berries, any of the darker berries,
or oatmeal to support healthy cholesterol levels as well. And also stress, of course, this
is like a main threat of all of our being and health. we live in a fast paced world,
definitely do. And we just need to slow down, take some breathing exercises throughout
the day, meditation, prayer, whatever, or even just simply spending out time in nature
with no phone, no electronics, just getting outside, just sitting outside, listening to the
nature. I'm telling you, that helps tremendously. And it's going to reset, your nervous
system, getting sun, even moon gazing, that's going to help calm and of course, quality
sleep that goes with stress. Aim for about. It's hard to tell with everybody. So general
rule, eight to 9 hours of good sleep each night. But really, establishing a calming
bedtime routine is going to help your body relax. Your body's going to naturally have
that rhythm, it's going to get used to that habit and have that rhythm of the same, wake
up the same time, go to bed or start winding down at the same time. So it's really going
to help our body to repair and regenerate. That is crucial to our heart health. And so, of
course, moderation is key in everything, especially when it comes to alcohol and
smoking, the less the better, obviously. So we really want to limit that for yourself. I know
all my listeners are probably so awesome that you don't do any of that because you're
doing all the holistic, awesome things. But if you do, definitely want to limit that,
because that wrecks havoc on our hormones, ladies, and so many other things, and we
don't want that. So cutting back would be. Try to cut back, for sure. This, episode has
been more than just a conversation from me to you about heart health. It's been
definitely personal that I've been sharing some things, and I'm still on this journey, and
I'll continue to share, too, especially as I learn more. And it's just really about
recognizing the vulnerability that comes with being human and just what strength that
we have, right? Listening to our bodies, we're empowered to just learn more, and we
are able to. Our bodies are able to heal. They heal. We just have to learn. I don't want to
say so. We just have to work with it. We have to listen to it and work with it. That's what
we have to do. And it's been very eye opening for me, and I hope it's been eye opening
for you. again, taking care of our heart is more than just a series of actions. It's more
than a series of tasks. It's a commitment, to our overall well being. We have to. And the
choices that we make every day, from the foods we eat to the moments we pause,
breathe, they're vital. And so my hope is that you feel empowered to make heart health
your priority. And remember, it's never too late to start. And every step, no matter how
small, is a step in the right direction. Again, I am not an expert, but as a fellow traveler
on this journey, still on this journey towards better heart health and overall health, and
by sharing our stories and supporting one another, we can navigate the complexities of
heart health and aging, perimenopause, all of that. We can definitely do that together
with grace and determination and ultimately, empowerment. So thank you so much for
joining me on this heartfelt journey today. It's been such an honor to share this time,
share my vulnerability and stories with you, especially of what's currently going on. And
I hope if this episode has touched you, inspired you, or sparked a curiosity to learn
more, I encourage you to share it with someone you care about. And together we can
spread the message of heart health, of perimenopause, holistic health, all the fun
women stuff, and, yeah. So, until next time, stay happy and healthy and take care of
your heart. look forward to our chat next week.
Speaker A: Thanks for tuning in.
Happy hormones coach shares tips on how to improve your mood
and happiness
To the happy hormones coach today. I hope our discussion was informative and helpful
for your health and well being. If you have any questions or comments about today's
episode or have suggestions for future topics, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Speaker B: You can find me on social media or visit my website.
Speaker A: And if you enjoyed today's episode, please consider leaving a review and
sharing it with your friends and family. Remember, taking care of yourself is essential
and I'm here to support you on your journey toward optimal health and happiness. So
until next time, stay happy and stay healthy. This is the happy hormones coach.

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